A Little Help from our Friends

The task undertaken by The Care Center on a daily basis is huge. And in many cases, we still feel like we fall short.

What many people don’t realize is that every thing we give out to our clients, and every medical service we provide to our patients, is only possible because people first give to us. That means every diaper, every can of formula, every handmade quilt, every pregnancy test and every ultrasound is only possible because of the support of this community.

The Care Center hosts two major fundraisers each year. We secure sponsors for these events so that all funds raised through our Walk for Life, or our Fundraising Dinner, go directly to this ministry to serve the community.

These sponsors believe in the mission of The Care Center. They believe in the sanctity of human life, and believe that being pro-life means providing the support services that make abortion seem unthinkable.

We are incredibly thankful for their partnership, and for the role they play and the impact they have on this community of moms, dads and families.

Thank you so much to our sponsors, and for your commitment to abundant life!

Today, we would like to highlight Platinum Event Sponsor Richland Creek Dental!

Dr. Boling and his staff desire to provide the best dental experience you’ve ever had, and they are located right here in Dayton. With a relaxing and welcoming environment, it’s less like dental work and more like a break from a busy, stressful day.

We are so thankful for the support of Richland Creek Dental, and their commitment to this community. Thank you for all you do!

The Care Center